Abby Rae Ann Medina, born May 12, 03. She was 2 weeks early. She weighed 7lbs. 6 oz. She was so cute. Still does she have an attitude to She quickly got her nick name which is Crabby Abby..
We thought that Abby was to be our last child. We were done at this point and was happy with 3 children. God had other plans for our lives. At 20 weeks I began to have bledding. I blead for 4 days none stop. It was over Thanksgiving holiday and I wasnt able to get to the Doctor until Monday. We waited 3 days not knowing if I had lost her or not. The doctor said he would do test on Monday to confirm. We were suppost to have the blood work done before the ultra sound to see if my blood count showed a miscarage or not. We were so upset with all of it, that we got the instructions messed up, and went to the Hospital first to have the ultra sound done.(So God). Before we had the ultra sound the technician was tring to comfort us and telling it that if it showed we were not pregneat anymore, that sometimes it was God's way of taking care of the situation and taking the baby on to Heaven. Once we saw a strong heart beat and a moving baby, I almost passed out..We just had excepted the outcome no matter what. We were still pregneat and the baby was very fisty.!!!... God knew and heard our prays for this child before we even prayed them, and he rewarded our faithfullness with this Angel.
We went on to the clinic for blood work, knowing the baby was fine. We got a call from the nurse later on that evening, telling us the "bad" news that our baby was not there any longer and that we need to come in as soon as possible. The blood work showed I had lost the baby and was no longer pregneat. I know without a doubt, that God planned out steps that day. If we had not had the Ultra sound done first, we might have a different outcome. I told the nurse, wait, we just saw the baby on the ultra sound and she was moving and had a wonderful heart beat. The nurse was so excited and couldnt understand the outcome of the blood work, but was so happy for our family. She said dont worry about it then, and we will see you in a few days.
With that scare over, I begin to become quite scared at the fact of not having anymore children, and I didnt have my tubes tied after Abby. We desided to have one more. God knew he had one more child for us. I am so happy to say, we had our last child on 8 28 05. It was a boy..We were so surprized at that..I will write about our last child Danile tomorrow. I hope you got something from this story. God has truely blessed us.
God Bless
Monday, February 23, 2009
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